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Episode 27 – Time Saving Systems with Leah Remillet

Scale Your Business Without Having to Sacrifice Time With Your Family

I am a hundred percent all in with everything I do. And so I became obsessed with trying to start finding systems, trying them, I learned not all systems are created equal, and not all work. The more complicated a system looks probably the more it’s not effective, they really should be simpler. And so I kept testing and trying, and I was able to cut my hours. I mean, I cut them dramatically. I went from whatever that schedule was. It’s not like I tracked it cause I didn’t wanna know, but you know, some insane amount of 90 to 120 hours a week down to part-time I was working like three, three and a half days a week during normal hours, I was getting eight hours off. I was sort of talking about it, but I was so embarrassed. I didn’t really, and then it was in that, that rooftop and these women started crying and they started admitting like that they were drowning. And I finally got it. I finally realized this is not a me problem. This is a we problem. This is women’s problem.

When you’re trying to balance being a homemaker and a wife, and maybe it’s not a wife, maybe it’s a sister or it’s a daughter or another job that you’re running or we’re trying to manage and balance so many things and we’re secretly overwhelmed, exhausted, and beating ourselves up. And there’s a better way. And so I really just started becoming like, that became my mission. Ultimately it comes down to me, I want to help women have happy and be financially independent and feel financially confident because of their own doing like that’s  I want us to have both.

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

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Success Is About Having Balance

We can get confused about what should be set and what success should look like, right? Like, is it just money or is it more than that? But when I think about thriving, every area in my life feels good. It doesn’t mean they’re all perfect. And it doesn’t mean they’re all equal, but each area feels good. That’s when I’m truly thriving. And I really do believe that this life is for thriving for every single one of us. We were put here and placed here to experience joy and happiness and fulfillment and purpose and passion and all of these. 

The Time-Saving Systems

I want you to think about there is the law of the harvest. So a farmer understands that there are seasons for different things, right? He knows, or she knows that there is going to be the period of time when it is planting and they’re gonna be all in during that time. But then there’s gonna be the time where they’re just waiting for the growth and they might need to do a little watering or fertilizing or whatever the heck farmers do, but it’s not gonna. It’s not gonna be that, that constant need. And then there’s gonna be the time of harvest. And they know during the time of harvest, like truly from sun up to sun down, they’re gonna be working, but it has brackets around it. Like there is a calendar that says it’s only for the short period of time. 

One of the big shifts for me was this whole hustle mantra. Like this idea of like just hustle, hustle, hustle, no one ever said to us, But for a certain period of time, not definitely. I jumped on the hustle train and I was like, hustle till you die. I mean, that is not sustainable. So I kinda have this like bad, bad taste in my mouth towards the idea of hustle me too, because I think so many people get it wrong. It’s like, I am willing to hustle for a very short and defined period of time. Like, oh, it’s maybe it’s launch time for someone. Great. So for two weeks you’re gonna hustle and I hope you’re gonna like, get a lot of it. Pre-done for yourself just to make life easier, but like, yeah. Okay. You might be hustling for two weeks, but then you’re gonna schedule. Like a whole week of almost nothing afterwards mm-hmm or you’re gonna just rest, you’re gonna regenerate, you know, I think about a cell phone and people will always be, be saying. Like you need to charge up, but think about your cell phone every single night. You’ve gotta plug it back in. And when you’ve got too many things, trying to go in it, when you’re draining it too fast, it’s, it’s not gonna work the way you want it to. And we’re the same way we’ve gotta be plugging back in. So one of the big things is gonna be just a reframing of the mindset around what working hard looks. And recognizing that we really are gonna probably get our most creative ideas and get what we need for the next stage of our growth and our success in the downtime.

Number one, we are making no decisions while you are feeling super emotional. This is a lot of time for a decision. Number two, the very next thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna look at this giant list and we’re gonna figure out which things we can pin. Hey, those are all pinned. It might only be for a week. It might only be for two weeks. Like, doesn’t mean they don’t have to get done, but they maybe don’t have to get done right now. So we’re gonna look at what we can pin and we’re gonna get down to like, okay, now here’s the two or three things that are actually press. And then start tackling those things. So there’s always the shift first that has to go in our mindset. It has to go with how we’re looking at, at what we believe. Even though from a statement, a bank statement, or on a resume, it looked incredibly successful, it didn’t feel it. So that mindset shift of just getting really clear on like, not just what do you wanna do, but what do you wanna be?

One of the things about your systems is you’re gonna create a system. And then you might need to change it later, right? Like you’re gonna evolve. Things are gonna change. And that’s okay.

We Deserve Downtime

We deserve downtime. I didn’t believe that my value was in my productivity. And therefore downtime was a waste. And that is just not true. We need to retrain ourselves to be present, to be able to be intentional. We’re in a distracted world where we are constantly having things, buying for our attention and trying to distract us. They are pouring millions of dollars into how can I distract her and keep her here instead of doing other. We know that now. So in knowing all of that, we got into some bad habits, but we can get out of them and we can retrain ourselves to be more intentional, more purpose driven more just when you’re there, you’re there. And that’s ultimately what we want. We want our kids to feel that, we want our spouse or our partner to feel that, we want our family to feel that, we want our clients to feel that.

Episode 26 – If it’s not a, “Hell yes!” it’s a no.

Clarity on what is a match for you and what is not. And the more you do your inner work, the more you let go of things that are no longer in alignment with you and what that means is it just doesn’t feel right anymore. Maybe you don’t really know what to do or where to go with that person, cuz you just don’t really feel that connection anymore. Or if it’s in business, it’s something that used to yield really great results. Like, you know, Facebook lives used to get lots of people signing up for calls with you right away. And it was fun and exciting. And now it just kind of feels like, Ugh, I don’t feel like doing this tonight. I’m tired. You know, it’s no longer a match to you and that’s okay. And the more you tune in and really ask yourself, is this a “Hell yes!” And if it’s not. It’s a no.

I said yes to something. It was an impulsive Yes. I will say it was impulsive and it was around my book and my book is so exciting and fun to me. And just this morning I told my personal trainer, my book is maybe one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life. And I put it right up there with my children. Like, it’s one of those creations that I am so freaking proud of. I’m so excited about. I just feel magic from, I feel so much yes, around this. That someone approached me and asked me to do an interview with her about my book. So I said, yes, right away. It was just like, yes, yes. I’d love to talk about it. And then I realized, as the interview was approaching that I hadn’t even asked, like, what are we gonna be talking about on this interview? Like, what’s the topic? What’s the audience? Like, where are we going here? And the response I got, it was like, Ooh, this is not an alignment. This is not what I wanna talk about. This just doesn’t resonate with me. Ooh. What do I do now? I’ve already said, yes, I’ve already committed. Is it okay to go back on my word? Will I let this person down? When this person no longer wanna work with me? All of those fears came up. And when I notice my energy shift is when I knew it was a no, but now will I have the courage to use that no. What will this mean? And I’ve realized that it’s no longer, never was my responsibility to manage another’s response to me and my choices and that when we make those excuses and we abandon ourselves and what feels right to us, it is a big deal, and we start negotiating with ourselves and we’re saying, oh, it’s just 20 minutes. Or it’s just this. Or maybe if I just call them back this one time. What happens is we start to feel worse because we’ve abandoned ourselves. And our intuition is saying not a match, not a match. You don’t have to call them back. You don’t have to engage with them further. You don’t have to do this, even though you said yes at the time. You were not using all of your senses. You were not using your deep intuition. And as time goes on and we shift our desires, a shift in change, what once was okay is no longer okay. And is no longer a match. 

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

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Give Yourself Permission to Say NO!

Do we give ourselves that permission to now say no? And what I decided was that my time, energy and presence is so deeply valuable that yes, I will use my no, and I will release my attachment to how this person will respond to that. And to know that this is even more of that growth and that expansion that I’ve been wanting as a soul. And to clear the space for what is a yes. For the partners that are a yes for the interviews that are a yes for the next books that are a yes for the next clients that are a yes. And the more committed we say to ourselves and what is a yes to us, the better we feel. And the more we will call in that, which we are wanting. This voice, this inner voice gets louder. The more you do the work to clear way, what no longer is a match, whether that is connections, friends, old clients, things that once we’re matching no longer are. 

And I just did an act this morning. I took action on this and I went to my cell phone and deleted. Every contact number one, that I had no idea who the people were. Some of them were from my photography days when I was a professional photographer. You know, people who called inquiring about photo shoots, never booked or people who did. And I had amazing experiences with, I’m not a professional photographer anymore, so why are they in my phone? So that was an easy one. So I went ahead and deleted all of them. And then I went back and I looked at the people that I’ve dated in the past. Some of ’em, you know, there was nostalgia with them like, oh, we had a good time. Or, oh, I wonder what they’re up to, but do I want to reach out to them? No, so they can go. So I deleted them and I said goodbye to each of them thanked each of them for what they contributed to my life. And then I went to friends. Are these friends that I would reach out to, am I in their life still? Or do I want to be in their life again? If it’s a no, it’s a no, some of them, I was a little hesitant to, childhood friends that I’m curious about, but right now we’re not in the same trajectory. So I did not delete them because maybe our paths will converge again. So I left them in my phone. And then I look back down the list and I say, I feel good about this list. I feel good about having the energy of these people around me and what I was thinking was I sleep with my phone next to my bed. The energy of these people was in my phone, no longer wonder I couldn’t sleep well.

Episode 25 – Building a Team with Ayla Quellhorst

Healing Herself by Helping Other Women Heal

One of the biggest things for our studio, that’s really specific to us and that I feel like more of the industry should do and I know it’s complicated to do is we sit in hair and makeup for that hour and a half while my artist does hair and makeup. And we’re chit chatting with the client, kind of like you and I are here now. And I’m kind of reading the client and what she needs to talk about and what needing a friend is for, and becoming that friend that you can just kind of get that all out into. And it’s making me like see and realize that there are so many people who have kind of walked similar paths as us and sometimes we just need somebody who’s been there to just either give us advice because they’ve gotten past it. Like they’ve maybe in a different point than us, or like have somebody to just get it out to that. Maybe is not our significant other who we don’t, I don’t wanna process those feelings necessarily with, or we don’t wanna put that on our best friend. I can be that person that they can kind of express that outwardly too. And I think by seeing that I’m not alone, it’s really helped me heal too. And then it’s helped me be able to continue that process of helping others to heal as well. 

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

Connect with Julie Goetzinger: 

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Email: julie@juliegoetzinger.com

Starting a Business from Scratch

One of the things I wanna start with is, many people I’ve had so many photographers tell me, I could do that if I had your team, but that’s not the case. You can’t put the chicken before the egg or the cart before the horse or whatever, you can’t do it in the wrong order. You have to be able to do everything yourself and then grow it as it grows. So I haven’t always had this team. 

The turning point for me was kind of my husband, Rob. I had an ex-husband and I became a single mom with an infant and had to protect her and had to do all of these things. And it kind of put me in this like shutdown mode, like I just wanted to, you know, get a job and pay the bills and like do whatever. And then my now husband Rob came along and he was really the supporting factor for me. So I found a partner who really supported me and I was going to college full-time and working a job. I pulled student loans to get our first studio space. Like he went in, he looked at spaces with me and we probably looked at seven different spaces and there was this one space. It was completely gutted in a historic building in our town. And I couldn’t get it outta my head for two weeks. And I was like, there’s just no way, like the rent for this space is more than the rent for my apartment. I don’t know if we can do it, but I can’t get it outta my head. And I have to pull the student loans to like furnish it and do all of the things. And he was like, do it. He wasn’t part of our team here at the studio at the time. Like, we will figure it out. And so that was kind of like, we didn’t have a choice moment. Like we had to do it because there was so much writing on it. So we did that and my makeup artist was contractor at the time. And Rob would just come in and he’d help with things here and there. As I needed them, we set up the studio space and it’s a picture and I have like in the background, him sweeping in one of the rooms, because we furnished the studio, spent the night at the studio, and then did a shoot the next day at night.

Write Out All of Your Tasks 

The best thing I found to do is to write out all of the tasks, like everything, all the little things you do for this studio, whether it be like answer emails or like the post to social media, doing whatever it is, file taxes, writing those all out and then figure out one, which ones do you love to do? And two, which ones make you? Because the things that make you money are the things that you need to be doing. So really my primary task, now that I am able to have a team, they really need to be shooting and selling. And I don’t like to sell, I’m not a sales person. I’m a very technical person. I want them to be guiding the client and finding what’s best for the client and what works for them and not worrying. Things are consistently to a point where we’re needing more help and that’s the best way I feel to grow, because then you’re not hiring at a point where you’re stressing about taking care of that person. 

You Have to Understand that the People in Your Life Will Change

The average of the five people you spend the most. And so as you grow, those people have to change either they have to grow with you, or they have to become new people. And so we had to realize that there were these people in our lives. And sometimes as this family too, which is really hard, they’re not gonna understand, like my family doesn’t understand that we had the ability to go on a cruise and pay for a suite on a cruise in LA last year. And so sometimes coming from that, from those families and such, it kinda puts you in a place where you have to understand that you need people who are more on that higher tier, like whatever tier you are on at that time. Our friends have totally changed and the friends that don’t get it and don’t understand. We’ve moved to friends who are like, yeah, like, why are you not doing that yet? But whatever it is. 

And sometimes it’s staff too, the staff see all this money coming in and then they see their paycheck and they don’t understand that. Like you have rents and you have contractors and you have outsourcing and you have insurance and you have taxes and you should be taking a CEO paycheck because you are the one. Yes. So you’re giving them what they could be paid. And you’re going to try and increase that pay for them, but they’re not seeing all, they’re just seeing one number and then they’re feeling like it’s not fair. You have to understand that you have to show them why. In order for me to pay you more, this is what you need to do, and then realizing how much more work that is. And then them saying, oh, now I get it right. I have to earn it. They have to be bringing in the money for that.

Episode 24 – Roadmap to Success

How Do You Find Abundance?

I wanna define for you how I find abundance, which I’m sure is a compilation of different spiritual teachers, and leaders that I have heard over the years, but my definition is taken from what I’ve learned from others. And what I believe now is that abundance is the deep trust in knowing that what’s yours will not pass you by understanding that your desires are there because it’s for you. Not everyone desires to have a house on the beach, not everyone desires to have that kind of love partner, and not everyone desires, whatever it is that you desire. And you might think like, oh, well, you know, if I get what I desire, why does the person that shows up not act or look like what I saw? And it’s because we have our personality develops, desires, things that it thinks at once to be happy, to feel good, and then the universe is okay, I hear you. And I know that what you really want is the feeling of being in love. You want the feeling of being happy, the feeling of being in passion and pleasure and joy. And we will deliver to you what is best for you based on what your soul is really wanting and desiring, and guess what you don’t even need to have the person arrive to feel that way. 

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliegoetzingercoaching/

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

Connect with Julie Goetzinger: 

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Email: julie@juliegoetzinger.com

The Four Cs to Creating A Life of Abundance

The first step is to clarify, so clarifying the vision on what it is that you want. How do you wanna feel, where do you wanna live? What do you wanna be doing with your days? Not just where do you wanna go on vacation? How do you wanna feel every day of your life? How do you wanna feel? Clarify it, claim it, state it. This is what I want. Make those requests clear to the universe and they will bring things that match that what you’re asking for.

The second step is community. To surround yourself with others who have a similar vision. Maybe they’re also looking to grow their business. They’re also looking for their love of their life partner. They’re also looking to lose weight, whatever it is that your current vision is for your life surrounding yourself with others who have a similar vision. And who desire, not just for themselves to succeed, but for you to succeed too. They understand that as you succeed, they succeed. This is not a competition who succeeds first, who finds the partner first, who makes the money first. This is about your wins are my wins. I want this for you, just as much as for me, just as much for our community, I want us all to feel good, finding a group like that, to surround yourself as you do this work is going to accelerate the process drastically having a shared vision, and also having that support people that will stand with you in the claims that you make.

The third step is to commune. And when I say commune, this is about communing with yourself, your higher self, your inner self, your inner voice. So many different ways to call the same thing. Connecting with that higher self that is divine. I went back and forth with a step of connecting with the divine. You are divine. Commuting with yourself, deeply knowing yourself is to know the divine, is to know yourself as divine. When we say the divine is your source of compensation. Yes, they are. You are. We are all of it. All of it. It’s not separate from you. You are a living, breathing, spiritual being in a human body, living a human experience. You have the power to create whatever you desire in an instant. There’s no such thing as time in an instant, it can drop in, in an instant. You can feel those feelings right now. Right now you can feel the feelings of being in love, being in love with your life. Being in love with your, your career, being in love with your children, your partner, your friends, your family, your animals being in love with yourself. You have the gift of doing that right now. And the more you meditate, the more you tap in, the more you decide that there’s no relationship, more important than the relationship you have with yourself. When you decide that when you know that and you do the work to commune with your self regularly, everything changes, everything changes. You will have the ability to feel good. Regardless of what’s going on the outside, regardless of those people that are poking you, that are telling you you’re not worthy, not so many words, whatever they’re saying to doubt you, because they doubt themselves. They doubt you because they doubt themselves. You have the ability to stand there, to walk into the flames, to walk into the lion’s den unscathed. As a powerful divine being that you are when you know that, and you show up as that version, everything shifts and changes everything. Every relationship shifts and changes. When you know the powerful divine being that you are, and you decide to commune with her regularly. 

The fourth step is to commit. This is committing to that vision that you saw in the beginning, the vision of the money, the vision of the partner, the vision of the place, the vision of feeling good. I’m so at peace, so happy. I’m so content I’m so excited. When you commit to doing the work, it takes to allow in those feelings to allow in those experiences, to allow in the tangible manifestations, the money, the relationships, the partner, all of it, you commit to doing what it takes. I’m thinking of the imagined dragon song, whatever it takes, whatever it takes. I will face the naysayers. I will face the hecklers. I will face my family. I will face my inner demons. I will do whatever it takes. I will commit because I know that I am here to experience this. I know that I’m here for a life of abundance. I know that I’m here to experience absolute ecstasy, joy, pleasure, passion. 

Committing to doing those action steps. And then we repeat the process again, we start over at the beginning. You start again. What’s the new vision. What’s the new vision dropping in, clarify it, claim it, state it, continuing to surround yourself with those who also see and want you to be happy. They want you to have what you desire surrounding yourself with those loving people and having the courage to let go of those who can’t, who won’t not everyone loves and supports you. Not everyone wants what’s best for you. Some people we plant on our path to take us off our path. We plant them there. We basically hire them to play a role, to bring a challenge, to be difficult. We wanna blame it on them as a person, as someone separate. It is a mirror of us. It is a mirror of our own inner Demonn saying, Nope, not for you. You can’t do that. You can’t have that.

We Have The Power to Create EVERYTHING!

When we realize our power to create everything, every experience, every connection, all of it, that it’s all simply a hologram, a mirror of the thoughts we’re thinking. And we realize that it’s all of our own creation. Hmm. I did that. I put you there? I did that. I created that. Huh? Why did I create that? What does my soul want me to learn from this experience? Maybe I just want the feeling of overcoming. I want the pleasure and the satisfaction of knowing that I’m unstoppable. So how better to prove that I’m unstoppable than to put shit in my path that looks like I can’t get through it. Watch me. It’s like proving it to yourself. You’re not proving it to anyone. You’re proving it to yourself. And you’re playing a game with yourself. It’s all a game. Anyway, it’s all a game. Everything is just the story you give it. Everything is your own perspective. All of it is changeable. All of it is ever fluid ever changing. You create all of it. when you realize. You have the power to create, you have the power to move things outta your way. You have the power to bring in anything you desire. It’s almost comical. You’re like, oh, I did that. I can do that. You mean everything is just our own creation. 

Episode 23 – Permission to Shift

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Shifting

You know what happens when you are a creative, as you all know, cuz your creatives is that we have a lot of ideas and we have a lot of things that excite us that we see and we wanna try out and there is a, a positive and negative side to this. The positive is that when we follow something that feels and that excites us, it’s most likely that others are going to be drawn to that too. There’s more free energy in it. As my coach says, there’s more play. There’s more fun. There’s more pleasure. When we feel that energy, then others are drawn to that and they wanna sign up. The downside could be, you know, if we shift and change too much, It’s like, we become like a moving target and people can’t find us. it’s like, one minute, you’re this the next minute, you’re this. Then one minute you’re launching this program the next minute. It’s like, they can’t keep up. And when we keep changing, then the market can get confused. People have been following you for a while. They can get confused by that. And maybe they’re saving their pennies to be able to invest in this program. And then suddenly it’s gone like, and they’re like, wait, what, what happened to this program? You’re like, well, now it’s this program.

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

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Give Yourself Permission to Shift

We’ve evolved beyond who we used to be. So as this new version emerges what we do on a daily basis, what we do in our business, how we show up in our relationships, it has no choice, but to be different now. So when we force ourselves to hold onto what once was, how we used to do things, or this is the way I make money, this is how I show up in a relationship. Then we cut ourselves off from abundance. We cut ourselves off from experiencing the full range of emotions, the full range of joy and pleasure, and excitement and adventure.

I’ve been getting to a place of feeling a little heavy around certain offers that I’ve had or certain programs and giving myself permission to shift, because if it feels heavy for me as the leader, Do you think that’s gonna attract or repel people from shining up for it? Who wants to sign up for something that’s heavy? What I’m realizing is more of my value, more of what I bring to the table, knowing that my presence is my gift and people come for the content. They come for the content, they stay for the community. So, what they’re really coming for is that tribe feeling, the family feeling, the belonging, the being understood, the being heard, the being seen, the feeling of safety that comes when we don’t feel that in our own, our blood family, or we don’t feel that even with some of our friends like we have to show up the way we used to, or that’s what we tell ourselves anyway.

But what it is about really tuning into your energy and giving yourself permission to shift and change your offerings based on where you are now and your evolutionary journey. I know I’ve heard in the business world, you know, that people who were, where you once were, are the ones that are gonna be drawn to you because they have similar past experiences. Maybe they’re going through something. Now you’ve already overcome. As a coach that happens to me all the time. I attract people who have very similar upbringings, very similar trauma, and a similar outlook on life. And they’re drawn to me because they resonate with my vibration. They know that there’s a better way. They feel that other possibilities they feel drawn to me as their guide. And that is because I’ve been through what they’re they’ve been through or I’m going through it now. And that happens to me a lot. 

My one-on-one clients that they tend to come to me with things that I’m currently healing in myself and we heal simultaneously. And as a divine channel, I will ask the questions of the divine and receive the clarity right. Alongside my client simultaneously. And I have to listen back to my recordings from, my calls with my clients, knowing that the messages are for me as well. And when I channel, I don’t remember everything I say, I also talk faster. When we channel the guidance and the wisdom comes through faster than our mouth can move at times. And that happens to me too, which is why I record all my calls with my clients. But we’re helping people who have had things that we’ve been through as well. And those of you who are coaches or who are drawn to start a coaching business too.

I would love to give it to you if you haven’t given it to yourself yet, that permission to shift, permission to show up differently, and that permission to completely start something new.

To let go of what once was that wants to be, released that has served its purpose, that has helped the people it was meant to serve, and to let it go and to let it evolve into something so much more beautiful for where you are now in your journey.

Keep Learning About Yourself

Doing all the things, you know, as an entrepreneur, like wear many hats, but I got to a place of what do I wanna do now? I don’t need to just keep doing things because I’ve always done them in that way. I learned a lot about myself as a leader. I learned a lot about the holes that were in my program based on the feedback I received from people in my program that I asked. And that was scary to do, to have the courage to ask and to be open to receive that feedback and not take it personally, that’s hard to do. You learn a lot about yourself when you host a year-long program. You learn a lot about yourself and, it really is now about what I wanna be doing. How do I wanna show up?

Episode 22 – “You’re Too Much”

Don’t Listen To People Who Are Telling You That You’re Too Much

When I started my own business, when I became an intuitive coach and started to go through the projects pretty quickly not wanna say, go through them, but I accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. I hosted, I don’t even know how many retreats, eight retreats over two year span. I hosted a mastermind program that meets every week. I started a podcast. I hosted a summit, coaching it. I’ve done a lot in two years and I’ve done it because I’m hungry for creation because I love to create, I have excess creative energy that wants to be channeled somewhere. So I channel it towards creation of products, the creation of new titles, for things and workbooks, and all those things I like to do. And now that I’ve created a lot in a short amount of time. Now I’m hearing from people you’re too much. You’re annoying. Your  fast growth is annoying.  Stop it. And I know that’s not a reflection of me. That’s about them not allowing themselves to create what they wanna create. So they wanna point fingers at me and say, you’re too much, or you need to slow down cuz it’s making me uncomfortable. 

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

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Why Do Some Women Bring Other Women Down?

Now I’m at the point where I wanna help others, who also have been told that they’re too much, who’ve been told to quiet down, who’s been told not to raise a fuss. Cause I don’t believe that we’re here to be quiet. I don’t believe we’re here to be pushed aside and to be told to tone down. And I see this even more amongst like females. I have never had a man tell me I was too much. I’ve been praised for that. Like you’re bright, you’re beautiful. You stand out, you’re successful. Like that’s great, it’s from the females in my life that I have gotten the criticism and maybe part of it is, because females are being taught to be quiet, to do what they’re told, and to be submissive. And when we don’t fall in line with that and other women also long to be free to express themselves freely, to be seen as free. They don’t allow themselves to do that. And they see you doing that. That’s where they place that shame; don’t do that.

Get Louder!

I see my role as someone who’s gonna keep putting myself out there. I’m gonna get louder instead of quieter. I’m gonna get brighter instead of dimmer. I’m gonna help support those women who also feel that desire to just come out like just to let yourself be seen and heard and experienced and enjoyed and criticized because it does come with. no one puts themselves out there, someone who doesn’t receive judgment and criticism, but it’s about coming to that place of knowing that it has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with the other person and what they think is capable for themselves. And I’ve also seen in my experience that when you move too quickly and others can’t keep up, they get offended by that. Sometimes either they’re inspired or they’re offended. They’re inspired if they believe that that’s possible for them too. They’re offended if they want that and haven’t allowed themselves to figure it out yet, or haven’t allowed themselves to be that yet. Then that’s when the criticism and the judgment comes. But it’s also about getting ourselves into that strong place of like, you can say what you want. You can throw shade, that’s what they say on TV but it’s like, I’m here and I’m gonna be seen and I’m going to inspire.

Make Yourself Uncomfortable 

I invite other women to also make people uncomfortable. Make yourself uncomfortable. When you challenge yourself to deepen your learning, you challenge yourself to put yourself in new environments, with new people and new places. It is uncomfortable. And that’s where the growth comes from. And I tell my clients like I’m not here to make you comfortable. If you were comfortable, you would never grow. You would never step into that higher version of yourself. Birth is not comfortable when the baby comes out. It is an ugly, like terrifying scene. It’s traumatic. But then on the other side is the piece is the joy is the new exploration and is what we came here to experience. We came here to experience all of it.

So I really feel passionate about helping other women to open up more, to step more into their full power, to be who they came here to be, and to let go of all those stories of being too much, 

As my coach, Dr. Aaron Wilkerson says like, rather than seeing yourself as too much, what if you were curious about how much more is there, how much more expressive can you?  We came here to experience more, we didn’t come here to be in lack. We didn’t come here to be quieted. We didn’t come here to be less than to feel less than, we came here to be fully expressed. And when you are in your fullest expression, that is where your abundance lies. That’s it. It’s really simple. When you’re in your fullest expression, you are abundance. You are her now.

Episode 18 – Empowering Women Through Boudoir Photography with Shay Perna

Limiting Beliefs That Stop Women From Seeing Themselves As Worthy Of Even Doing A Photo Shoot 

I hear a lot of, I need to lose weight. I’m too old, I wanted to do that for years, but you know, at this point, like it’s too late for me. I’m a mom, I can’t spend that kind of money on myself. I put everybody before myself. So, there’s no time to come in. I’ve heard that too. So, but it’s so rewarding when they actually do come in. They’re like, oh, and then they show up differently in their lives and it. Oh, okay. Like I needed to invest in myself first. Yes. And then like, I got all the benefits and I’m different with my kids. I show up differently in my work. I’m different when I’m with my partner. Beautiful. Love 

I love the process that I do with my clients. Sometimes I get to talk to them before they shoot, like in depth. Most of the time it’s there. I want to really get to know them and maybe they might not say, this is the problem. And sometimes they don’t even know like right there is a problem, but just through like that conversation and they’re so open with me, they just trust me. So I’m just like, I know I need to provide that safe place so that we if we need to talk before the shoot like I’m gonna talk to you. Cause I have had people that were abused and whatnot come in and it’s just. We’re not in a rush. Let’s talk like if we pull out the camera like great like we are gonna pull out the camera at some point, but I’m like, you know, this is for you really like reassuring them. This is my body. Yes. This experience is for me. Yes. Like everybody that comes to me, this experience is for them. Like, it might also be like a gift for someone else, but my clients are like, I want this experience. I wanna connect with myself. 

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

Connect with Julie Goetzinger: 

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Email: julie@juliegoetzinger.com

Why Self-Love Is So Important?

How we view ourselves affects how we interact with every person that we come in contact with how we interact with the world around us, our kids, and how we show up in our businesses. So I feel like it’s just so important. Like it starts with you first. Like if you can love yourself and you have that positive self-image and that confidence, you’re gonna feel unstoppable. 

The Impact of Abundance Breakthrough Retreat 

I was just ready just for a change. I was like, I don’t wanna be going through the motions. Like I see where I wanna go or have an idea of where I wanna go. And I’m like, I’m not getting there by myself or I’m like going too slow by myself. My business has really like taken off and now I’m like, yay. Like I was in that grind of like, okay, you gotta growth of the business. Like my head down, like business, business business. And like, I’ve got two kids. Like I was like, oh, I’m missing so many things. Like I’m still there, but it’s just missing out on so many things. Like I’m not getting to be present. That was so important. Like, my family’s so important to me and I’m like, I’m building this business so I can have that freedom. But at the same time, you almost feel shacked to the business. But now I feel like, I have that freedom. Like I’m not shackled to it. As I’ve grown, I don’t think before I would’ve been in a place I could get help. I was like, I can do everything. So I should do everything. Like, why am I gonna pay somebody to help me with my marketing or help me with my social media, I can do everything. And I was like spreading myself so thin and it was like coming back to that self-worth. 

As for the changes, I wanna go back to the retreat a little bit, while I was there like, there were things that I thought I had dealt with and the realization wasn’t. Nope. Because it was still showing up like in my life, in different areas. So, That is so important just to like head on, not be afraid to look at the past and see if it’s holding you back. I’m so excited to take this leadership role yes. Just to help other people do the same in this setting that you have created, like this safe space.

Episode 14 – Profit First with Ron Saharyan

The Significance of Private First Method

We’ve all heard the term pay yourself first, growing up, whether it’s our parents telling us when we got our first jobs, make sure we’re paying ourselves first. We’ve heard it through high school, and college, but nobody knows how to do it. And the closest thing that I’ve known that has been taught closest to profit first and pay yourself first is grandmother’s envelope, budgeting methodology. And so what profit first is, is a pay-yourself-first cash flow system that works with human behaviors. It’s not accounting, it’s not bookkeeping. It’s a cash flow.

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliegoetzingercoaching/

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

Connect with Julie Goetzinger: 

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Sales Minus Expenses Equals To Profit

Over the years, accountants have been talking to us entrepreneurs in ways that were like, oh my gosh, what are they even saying so much that, you know, even myself were fearful at times to go to talk to an accountant because I had no idea what was going on. And the bedside manner that they had was not very positive.  And it was very frustrating. And here’s the thing, you know, entrepreneurs are not stupid. We create jobs. We hire people, we create art, we sell, we market people give us money, all sorts of stuff. Then what’s the problem, right? Because why are businesses failing? Why do 50% of startups not make it to year one? How come they don’t make it to year five? How come they don’t make it to your 10? Because the individuals starting these companies are very smart. Well, the problem is not the entrepreneurs. We’ve been taught every single day since the beginning of time, this formula, and the formula is sales minus expenses, equal profit. Write that down. Everybody’s like, sales minus expenses, equals profit. That’s how you were taught and that’s structurally correct. And what we’re taught is sell, sell, sell, manage our expenses, manage them, and then whatever is left over is what we pay ourselves, but our profit is from a structural standpoint. But from a behavioral standpoint, that’s absolutely wrong and has been harming all of us because what comes first is important, what comes last and an afterthought. So all these years we’ve been putting, paying ourselves profit, all these great things as an afterthought. So what we’ve done is simply flip the equation. So now I want everybody to cross out sales, minus expense as equal profit. What we’re advocating is sell, sell, sell, take your profit and manage the business on everything else. Now we know life is not all about profit. 

Pay Yourself First 

Beginning business owners, it’s imperative to start paying yourself first. Otherwise, you’re gonna hate your business. We’re not taught how to run necessarily businesses. We might be awesome at creating our products and services, but no one really is teaching us the importance of paying ourselves first. Because if you don’t pay yourself first, how are you going to live the lifestyle that you wanted? How are your staff not gonna be being paid? They’re not gonna be being paid very well. And all startups should implement profit

First based upon the message in the book, it breaks the doctrine of sacrifice. It ain’t cool to be 30, 40 years old, starting a business, living on your parent’s couch. It’s BS that you can’t be profitable from day one. It’s BS that you can’t pay yourself from day one. But implementing the strategy you can, you’re not gonna be a millionaire right away. This is a very conservative approach to cash flow management.

Move Your Money Into Strategic Bank Accounts

With a lot of independence, solo entrepreneurs collect all of their income and it goes into one operating account, one bank account, and they look at it every day and make business decisions. But what they’re neglecting is that some of that money is not theirs, right? Some of that money should go to profit, should go to paying down that, and absolutely needs to go to Uncle Sam. So by not realizing this, it sneaks up on independence and solo entrepreneurs. And the next minute they know they don’t have any money to pay Uncle Sam because they haven’t been allocating it aside. And they’re reaching into their savings. They’re reaching into maybe a 401k or something like that, simply to pay the taxes that they should have withheld along the journey of the year.

How to Alleviate Your Stress Towards The End of The Year 

One of the things is a lot of business owners are not in tune with their finances. They don’t understand the ebbs and flows of the cash flow. They don’t have a system. So one of the beauties of Profit First is once we start implementing a system, we have a plan. That plan now there’s the first time. The first time a lot of business owners have a plan on how to actually use their money. So that’s great. Next with Profit First, we’re moving the money into strategic bank accounts for various different purposes. That’s extremely empowering, right? The first time you move that money, you were probably like awesome. It felt great. And we recommend that you reward yourself with that. That’s a great thing. So it’s often the first time that a business owner may be in control of their money. Next is all right. It’s working, so they have a plan that feels relief. They’re empowered because they are operating the plan. Next is focusing now that you have a plan, you’re empowered, and you’re focused on growing your business. When you know that you’re paying yourself, are taking care of your tax reserves, taking care of your profit. You’re not up late sleeping, how am I gonna pay myself? How am I gonna pay taxes? How am I gonna be profitable? So it relieves a ton of stress from home life. 

Episode 11 – Breakthrough Retreats

How I Discovered The Retreat Business Model 

My first business was in portrait photography. And when COVID came, I was forced to close down temporarily because we couldn’t do in-person work. I started brainstorming and thinking about what I wanted to do and I was scared and wasn’t sure what to do. And then I called my psychic, Patty Kemp, and she said that it was time to start offering readings that I’m actually quite intuitive and a medium. And my spirit guides were waiting for me to open up and realize how gifted I am. I kind of, you know, had an inkling that I was, people had been coming to me for advice pretty much my whole life and I thought I just gave good advice, but people would always say, Julie, you always make me feel better. Like, so good. You’re so wise. And I realized that it wasn’t just me. It was me as an energetic, medium being able to tap into their energy field without even trying to, it’s just something that I can just do.

I would receive messages from their spirit guides who wanted them to go in a certain direction. So I started offering these intuitive readings and I quickly got super busy. I was doing a lot of one-on-one readings over the phone. Every time I checked my email, there was a new booking. I was just like inundated and while it was fun at the time I was thinking about separating from my partner and didn’t have enough money to support my children. So having all the money come in from the intuitive readings was a huge blessing. And it was also overwhelming because there were so many of them and I was doing so much energy work, which is what readings are. And I was thinking about what could I do to help more people in a bigger way.

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

Let’s Connect! 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JulieGoetzinger

FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/556740678079498

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliegoetzingercoaching/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliegoetzinger/

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

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Email: julie@juliegoetzinger.com

Why Did I Choose To Become A Money Mindset Coach

One of my friends reached out to me and she said, Julie, there is this speaker, Michelle Villalobos. And she is, she reminds me of you. Like she’s intuitive. She’s fun. She’s inspiring. And she was like, I can see you hosting retreats as she does. I know you were mentioning that you’re interested in hosting a retreat. You should reach out to Michelle. So I reached out to Michelle and I ended up joining her Superstar Breakthrough retreat, and it was incredible. Then, I saw how she was able to do these retreats all virtually and at the time it was during COVID and she had hosted in-person events and she’s a professional speaker and spoke at many events. And she shifted when COVID happened to do virtual retreat. So the retreat I attended with her was virtual and I was actually kind of shocked at how close I felt to her community. After this one retreat, it was a three-day immersive experience. And it kind of reminds me of like a sorority. Like they choose people that they feel are aligned with their culture and their community. And she said that they had their eye on me. They were like, oh, Julie, like, there’s something different about her. There’s something that we want her to be in our community and I did share that I was intuitive and she said they were intrigued by that. And I started talking about money and she said, you’d be an amazing money mindset coach, your spiritual and you approach sales from a different perspective. I think maybe consider calling yourself an intuitive money mindset coach. And I was just like, oh, wow. Like, okay. And at the end of this retreat experience. It opened up a lot of opportunities for me, cuz I was seeing how I too could lead a retreat like that. And with this newfound title of intuitive money mindset coach was like, you know, I’m gonna try this out.

So, what I did was I reached out to a couple of people that intuitively I felt drawn to, and I just reached out to them. I told them that there was a project I was working on. Can we set up a time to talk about it? And to my surprise, they, most of ’em said yes, like let’s talk. And these were photographers. So I’ve already been connected to the photography industry as a photographer myself. And I talked with them and I told them my vision for this retreat. I told them that I just wanted to come together in sisterhood with fellow creatives and I wanted to support each other. I wanted to show each other that we don’t have to do this alone.

The Value of Having A Supportive Community

I learned that we’re not meant to do this alone. We’re meant to do this stronger in numbers. As we come together and as we call in those so aligned partners and co-creators, we just become stronger and stronger. And we today in my free to fly. So my community is called free to fly. Because it’s all about freeing yourself from limiting beliefs, freeing yourself from past trauma, freeing yourself from what you, you thought in the past was possible for you, freeing yourself from any limitations and in our free to fly call today, we were talking about our business goals and mapping out our business goals for 2022. And I had everybody share their claims and their goals and the projects that they were going to commit to implementing this quarter. And one of my members said, you know, now that I hear all these goals and how specific they are and the numbers, and, she was like, I wanna really get in there.

I wanna not be afraid toask for more. I don’t wanna be afraid to get specific, and know that’s not cutting me off from what the universe wants to deliver. I’m still gonna leave space for the magic and for things to UN the way they’re meant to unfold. But I wanna ask for more and it was that when we sit down ourselves to map out our goals if we ever do, it’s not as powerful as if we do it with a group. And if we claim it in front of a group and if we hold each other accountable for those claims. 

I’m starting year two of leading my free to fly community. And I’ve seen the tremendous growth that everybody has had in, and not just the growth in business, but the joy that I see that is my biggest reward. Like it is so rewarding to see the friendships forming, to see the bonds deepening, to hear people say, you know, I’ve never told anybody this, but I feel like I’m safe to say that to me is the greatest gift is what I’m doing. That is my mission. My vision, of it is to create that safe space for people to be fully expressed

My Vision

I even had this thought yesterday that if we were all fully expressed, would there even need wouldn’t it even be a need for money anymore? Because money is like, it’s a form of exchange. It’s just an energy exchange. I give you the money. You provide this service for me. You give me this product. What if we all were fully expressed, fully expressing our gifts, doing what we were given by God, universe source, whatever you wanna call it, using our God, given talents to the fullest, what would that world look like? If we all believed in ourselves, if we all trusted ourselves, if we came together as a community, what would that look like? And that is my vision. My vision is seeing more and more people opening their eyes and seeing their value, worth, gifts, and fully expressing them, not fearing what anyone else thinks, not what their parents are gonna think. Not what their friends are gonna think, not what their current clients are gonna think, but just trusting themselves and fully stepping into their power and their gifts. What would that look like? And to build a community of more and more people who believe in that vision too, who see themselves as that potential leader who maybe wanna host their own retreats.

I’m paying it forward by creating my own community, by having my own community of people who are there for each other through it all. And we all say like, there’s nothing off the table. There’s nothing you can’t share here. There’s nothing you will be condemned for judged for dismissed for no, this is a nest. This is your safe space to come to be nurtured, to be loved. And then you can fly. That is my vision. And that is what I’m creating with my community. And this vision starts with the abundance breakthrough retreat and the abundance breakthrough retreat is when we do come together, either virtually or in person.

Episode 6 – How to Become a Match to Your Desires

Stop Thinking It’s Hard

Stop thinking that it’s hard. Thinking that it’s hard to make a million dollars, that it’s hard to make a hundred thousand dollars, that it’s hard to manifest love that it’s hard to stay in good shape. Stop thinking that it’s hard. That is just a story that you’re telling yourself that this is hard to do. And there are so many sayings that support this, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Right? So we have these sayings and these things that we were taught around. It needs to be hard. It has to be hard. We have to sacrifice time with our family and loved ones in order to make more money. Is that true? Does that have to be true or is that just the story that you’re telling? Surrender to divine time. 

So I was given the reference of a baby and a baby going through the full cycle. When a mother is pregnant with her baby, she doesn’t want the baby to come out before its the due date. She might think she does because she’s uncomfortable at the end. But she doesn’t want the baby to come out before the baby’s ready. We want the baby to be fully formed, to be healthy, to thrive on its entry into the world. This is the same thing with your manifestations. You don’t want it sooner than it’s been cooked all the way. You don’t want that love too soon because it’ll be someone who’s not aligned with you. You don’t want to really bring all that cash in before you’ve set up your accounts and you have everything ready and you have a team to support you as your business grows. 

Schedule your Abundance Breakthrough Call Today:  https://juliegoetzinger.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=31237929

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About Julie Goetzinger:

Julie Goetzinger is the creator of Abundance Academy, Abundance Activation Workshops, Abundance Breakthrough Retreats, Free to Fly, and Money Intensive. She helps soul-aligned entrepreneurs to create more freedom in their lives in the form of time freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be fully expressed. She is an Abundant Life Coach, Podcaster, Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur with seven years of experience in the business. 

Connect with Julie Goetzinger: 

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Email: julie@juliegoetzinger.com

Stop Putting So Much Pressure On Yourself 

Everything is just energy. Everything is an exchange. Stop giving it so much heaviness or weight. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to make it, to bring it in, and allow it to always be there. Think of it as a loyal friend. Who’s always there for you. When one client leaves another right behind them. When one lover leaves another’s right behind them. There’s an abundance of money. There’s an abundance of partners. There’s an abundance of opportunities. One after the next, after the next, after the next I heard somebody say, there’s always another bus coming. So if it’s not this bus, there’s another bus coming. There’s another bus coming.

The Abundant Mindset

The abundant mindset is we don’t need to hold on too tightly to anything because there’s always something more aligned right behind it. Pay attention to the divine counterparts, the synchronicities, the people that are brought into your life, and send them all gratitude. Every single one of them notices all the co-creators with you. All the people that play a part in the creation that is your manifestation. Celebrate it before it even arrives.

We Can Do Things That Are Easy For Us To Do

We can do things that are simple and easy for us to do. I worked in the photography industry for six years. I know and love the photography industry. Speaking to photographers, and speaking people who wanna build a prosperous business is so easy for me. I’ve done it. I started out right away, charging high prices right away for my photography. That looking back, I was like, wow, I did that right out the gate because I decided that this has to work. I left my elementary school teacher position and I said, I’m gonna be home with my kids. I wanna go on photo shoots as I’m able to, with my children’s schedule, I wanna be home when they get off the school bus, I wanna do homework with them. I wanna start dinner. I wanna do all those things and I wanna have a successful business. So in order to do that, I do need to have a high-end business. I do need it to be done in-person sales and all of that. And I did that. And now. I’m a coach. I get to work with other photography business owners and I get to help them have a prosperous business and balance motherhood and all of that as well. So it doesn’t have to be hard. Our mind, and our ego just tries to make it more complicated than it actually is.

Healthy Habit Is Vital

Everything is easier to call in when you’re in a place of strength, mental clarity of wellness, mind, body, and soul paying attention to your nutrition. The foods you’re eating, the water you’re drinking, limiting, or eliminating any kind of substances like alcohol, drugs, anything that alters your mind, anything that makes you feel off-kilter off balance. Let go of it. Also getting yourself outside, getting that sunlight, getting your walks in, getting your exercise, doing yoga, meditation, all of these things that can clean you out and connect you back to your source, where all of the guidance, inspiration, alignment, money, compensation, joy, all of that comes from your connection to the divine and seeing yourself as the divine. And in order to access that part of ourselves, we do need to be as healthy as possible. 

Acknowledge The Beauty Of Life 

The divine is your source of compensation, the money, the clients, the lovers, the opportunities come straight from the divine. We can want to take credit for it. I did this and yes, you played a part in it. You said yes to co-creating, but the blessing came from the divine. So don’t forget to acknowledge. Thank praise. Notice the gifts that come to you. The miracles are very real miracles that can come in an instant. The blessings that come every single day, notice everything in your life that’s going well right now, everything you already have. Everything that you see is beautiful. All the love, all the beautiful client’s opportunities, the money, the love, all of it. Journal it, and talking about it. Letting that be the story you tell people, rather than what’s going wrong, we tend to wanna talk about what’s not going well. This little area is causing me frustration. This is causing me stress. The more we talk about it, the more we focus on it, and the more we draw energy toward it.

All of it is divine. All of it is on purpose. Thank you for all of it. Thank you for the pain. Thank you for the challenges. Thank you for the struggles. Whenever we make a new claim to the universe. We are going to be given those initiations. We’re gonna be sent those opportunities to solidify our claim. The divine never judges. You give yourself grace, give yourself that permission that you give everyone else. Self-compassion practice. Deep self-compassion, deep self-love, acknowledgment praise.