Recovery Plan: Reopen Your Flow of Money

Dear friend,

I’ve created this plan based off of my own struggles while on the rollercoaster ride that can be the entrepreneurial journey.  During the times when my supply of money has been low, these tips have helped me to repair my mindset around money and to take an inventory of my actions in my business to get back on track too.  I hope that the tips serve you well!

Here’s what I’ve found…

Even though there are seasons and we’re not always meant to be in the building/action mode, that doesn’t mean that the flow of money needs to slow down at any point throughout the year.

If when in the action mode you create structures to allow the money to continuously come in without your effort, then there’s no reason why money can’t continue to flow.

Some examples include having continuous book sales, online course sales, and membership programs generating monthly reoccurring revenue.

Allow your funnel to work for you and if it’s not working, have a professional look at it and if everything is set up properly then it’s your beliefs about its success getting in the way. Journal about your relationship with your funnel/your courses/your books.  Ask yourself how you feel about these things and if what comes out is disempowering, rewrite your stories and beliefs around each of the offerings to be more of a success story.

We will do this work together in my Making Friends with Money Facebook community that you can join here.

If you’re not meditating regularly, you need to start!  Meditating allows our mind to rest and can allow the universe to step in and do the work that it needs to do in order to bring together what we have been asking for. I have meditations specific to money manifestation that you can find here.   

Continue to save a portion of your money even if the amounts coming in are small.  Watching that amount grow will give you the reassurance that you are doing what you can to build your wealth.

Journal about all of the ways that money can come to you that have nothing to do with your business.

Journal as if you’ve already received the money you desire and write about what you are doing now that you are financially free.

Don’t put off opening your mail.  You’re telling the Universe that you don’t expect to receive good news, refunds/checks/settlements in the mail.  Expect good notes too.

Open your mail and if it makes you uncomfortable to look at your bills sit with that discomfort until it fades.  Put on some loud music and dance to it to allow the emotion to flow out of your body.

Total up the bills you owe and then write, “Thank you angels for sending me ____ to pay off these bills in full.  I feel so happy and grateful now that I am free of these debts forever.  Going forward I will have more than enough money to cover all of my bills with ease. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Walking through my money breakthough guide even if you’ve already done it before will shed light on the beliefs that could be slowing down your flow. 

Once you’ve done that, do the 21-day manifestation challenge in my workbook, “Free to Fly: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams.”

Once you’ve done that,  it’s time to look at your business.

Take an inventory of the actions you’re doing in your business.

It’s possible that you’re spending too much time doing things that don’t generate revenue like spending too much time creating graphics and not enough time sharing the actual content with your prospects.

How clearly are you targeting your ideal clients?

Do you know who they are?  Where they hang out?  Make sure to spend the most time in those places and only share posts that you have carefully crafted and feel good about sharing.  Don’t worry about the number of posts so much as the content.

Are you emailing your target clients frequently enough?  Look at other emails that are catchy to you.  How do they write their subject lines, and pull you in as a reader to make you want to read their emails?  Are you providing content and not just selling in your emails?  Make sure to send at least one email with valuable content a week and one call to action in each email.

Have you created an online community?  Consider creating a Facebook group or starting a membership program that is low-cost to join so that you can gather your target clients in a container that you can market to more frequently. 

Choose one social media platform to focus on where you believe your target clients like to hang out.  Take time researching how to grow engagement on this platform while still continuing to post on the other platforms but not feeling like you need to master every social media platform out there.

Join a membership program of someone who does what you want to be doing and pay attention to the structure that they’ve created and then model yours after that.  Make sure to nurture that audience and treat them just like high-paying clients, giving them exclusive content, more attention and then offer them your courses/books/other products.

When you find a system that works, wash, rinse, repeat. 

Every time you create a new workshop, you need to spend time marketing it which isn’t time efficient. 

Stick with what you’ve seen work already and keep doing that.  Change the audience, not the message.

Let the main thing be the main thing.

Before you add other offerings, master the one that is working best first and spend time building that before offering something else.

When you feel the itch to create something new, run it by your target community/membership program first.  Sell it before you plan it.

Cast your net wide by tapping into the online market, consider online ads to market your main thing/free/low-cost online workshop which showcases your main thing and leads them to your course/books/membership program.

Keep revisiting these tips if and when things slow again and repeat the exercises in the Money Breakthrough Guide and 21 day manifestation challenge in my workbook here.

To learn more about how I can support you on your journey towards living a life of more freedom and abundance, fill out this form here.



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About Your Host:

As a leading Life Coach in Maryland, Julie specializes in helping women simplify their lives to reclaim precious time and space, allowing for greater freedom and creativity. Her approach goes beyond traditional coaching methods. Through a blend of intuitive guidance and practical strategies, she empowers her clients to optimize their businesses while nurturing their holistic well-being. From streamlining business offerings to fostering personal growth, she is dedicated to helping you achieve sustainable success and happiness.