When you were growing up did you have people praise you for working hard? Were you surrounded by hard-working mothers/fathers who modeled for you what hard work looks like and then told you that it is hard work and hard work alone which leads to success? Or maybe you were told that you could go out and play only AFTER you finished your homework and all of your chores.
The problem with this is that when we don’t allow ourselves to play until AFTER all of our work is completed, we never get the time to play. As adults this translates into needing our homes to be cleaned first, needing to be up to date on emails/work for our clients before we will let ourselves enjoy any downtime and then we get resentful when we see that we are never left with any time for ourselves.
This has been my story too and something that has helped me is to repeat the affirmation, “I deserve downtime.” It is why I booked an extra three days in California for myself to rest in the sun after filming my speaking reel for my business and also why I decided to put up that away message in my email that lets my audience know that I’ll be unreachable during this time so that I can completely immerse myself in the energy of rest and relaxation.
I know that in rest is when we receive and also know that if I am going to teach that we can manifest at rest and with ease, then I need to do that for myself first. If you are looking for more support in this area, fill out this form to get started.
Connect with Julie Goetzinger:
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Email: julie@juliegoetzinger.com